
As our country again is embroiled in debates about immigration, along comes ¡Americano! It explains and uplifts at a time when America is being torn apart. Backed by the distinct sound and powerful lyrics of critically-acclaimed singer/songwriter Carrie Rodriguez, ¡Americano! shares the true story and journey of Tony Valdovinos, born in Colima, Mexico and brought to American when he was two years old.

Inspired by the events of 9/11 to serve in the military, Tony geared his entire Phoenix, Arizona childhood towards enlisting in the Marines on his 18th birthday. Yet when he did, Tony was devastated to learn his parents had not been honest with him and that he was an undocumented immigrant, unable to realize his dream. But that didn’t stop Tony from serving the only country he has ever known, in other, powerful ways, perhaps even doing more good and effecting even more change than he could have accomplished in the Marine Corps.

The spark for ¡Americano! arose during a chance encounter and conversation between two strangers at a wedding almost five years ago. It is now a story for these times and all times, designed to challenge preconceived notions and remind us that America’s strength has always been its melting pot, and its enterprising immigrants that #PaveTheWay.


2020 Cast

Sean Ewing – Tony

Alyssa Chairello – CeCi

Johanna Carlisle – Felicitas

Joe Cannon – Martin

Edgar Lopez – Fro

Jon Bachan – Javi

Lucas Coatney – Joaquin

Shanni Barrett – Jessica

Chris Erikson – Scott Richter

Marisa Butler – Marsha / Olivia / Delores

Maria Amorocho – GiGi / Harriet / Teacher

Joseph Cavasos – Manny / Police Officer

Ricco Machado – Celso

Nick Flores – Dante

Matravius Avent – Recruiter / Carlos

Elyssa Blonde – Ensemble

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